The Populars

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Is this the new face of WIN news?

The widow of legendary WIN News reader Peter Leonard says he would be "shattered" about the service no longer being broadcast from Canberra.
It was revealed this week that after almost 25 years broadcasting a news service from the national capital, WIN News Canberra would be broadcast instead from Wollongong.

Mr Leonard, who died in 2008 after 16 years with WIN in Canberra, was the much-loved and genteel face of the network in the national capital.
His widow Gwen, who still lives in Canberra, said she feared for the future of the local news service and its proven track record of  being a training ground for young journalists.
"Peter would have been devastated. He loved his time with WIN and he loved the people he worked with," Mrs Leonard said.
The late WIN News Canberra newsreader Peter Leonard."It's obviously a cost-cutting exercise and I suppose something like this is inevitable in these times. I think the great pity for local people - the presenters and the journalists - is that another avenue has been cut off for them."
The newsreader for WIN was also often an ambassador and promoter of many local causes and charities, with Mr Leonard lending his public persona to many worthwhile events.
How that will operate now with the newsreader no longer being based in Canberra remains to be seen.
"I think it's a pity for Canberra and a pity for the charities," Mrs Leonard said.
WIN on Thursday declined to answer any questions about the logistics of the new arrangements or to address rumours about the replacement presenters or future coverage of local Canberra news.
WIN has previously stated that Canberra would continue to receive a 30-minute live broadcast, beamed from Wollongong, using stories put together by a skeleton staff of three journalists in the national capital.

It's understood that stories will have to be filed to Wollongong by 5.40pm to meet production deadlines, which would affect late-breaking news. The current news service is broadcast at 6.30pm. The late edition of the news also looks like getting the axe.
It's also understood WIN sounded out MIX 106.3 newsreader Julie Snook about taking over from outgoing Canberra presenter Danielle Post who presents her final bulletin on Friday.
But in a matter of just weeks it seems all that changed.

The suggestion now is that former Canberran and Matildas soccer player Amy Duggan (nee Taylor) who has worked for several years with WIN in Wollongong as its sports presenter, will also present the Canberra news, from the coast.
Duggan, then Taylor, caught the attention of the nation when she was chosen as the cover girl for the Matildas' controversial nude calendar launched in 1999 in the lead-up to the Sydney 2000 Olympics.

She grew up in Tuggeranong and dabbled in modelling, appearing on the cover of Inside Sport.
Duggan joined WIN initially as a presenter on Fishing Australia and has gone on to become one of its most popular local personalities.

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